Welcome to Violin Scales Tutor!

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Violin Scales Tutor is an Android app for helping you learn scales accurately. It has a pitch detection feature that will listen to your scales as you play them and give real time feedback. It will check each note as you play to see if it is in tune and colour the note like this:
in tune noteNote was in tune
flat noteNote was a bit flat
sharp noteNote was a bit sharp
missed noteDidn't hear this note

There is also a pitch detector meter at the bottom that names the note you are playing and how in tune it is:


The app gives a real-time rating as you play and will save the rating at the end (when you switch off the mic or select another scale). There is also an option to manually rate scales yourself and to switch off the auto-rating feature.

Select the scale you want to practice from the rollers at the top and activate pitch detection using the mic icon. Scales can be allocated to sets e.g. corresponding to scales for different grades. You can assign scales to sets and remove them in settings. There is also a random scale feature (dice icon) that will choose a scale to play from the currently selected set.

The app also provides a violin tuner to tune the open strings and a metronome to help pace your scales. In preferences you can decide how the scales should be rendered (e.g. with slurs and long tonic/even notes) and what other features to display.

Main toolbar

Pitch detectionSwitch on pitch detection for monitoring scale performance
TunerViolin tuner app
MetronomeStart metronome
RandomGet a random scale from the current set
SettingsUpdate settings and preferences


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On the main settings screen you can select scales from the roller at the top and select the set (or sets) that you want to assign them (or remove from) using the sliders.

There are also 3 buttons as follows:

Empty All SetsRemove all scales from all sets
Reset to factory defaultReallocate scales to sets per original factory settings
Reset All ratingsRemove saved ratings for all scales (for both manual and automatically generated)

The settings toolbar has 3 further options:

MetronomeSet metronome beats per minute
PreferencesSet preferences
HelpHelp page


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The following preferences can be selected with the sliders:

Even note scalesShow scales in even note pattern rather than long tonic default
Add slursShow scales with slurs
Manual ratingApp will not automatically rate scales, they can be manually rated
Hide FingerboardDo not show fingerboard with scale
Hide Pitch DetectorDo not show the pitch detector meter with scale (pitch will still be detected)
Hide ratingsDo not show the rating bar with the scales (they will still be automatically rated)


With auto-rating switched on, the app will give a real-time star rating out of 5 for the selected scale. The score is based on the average accuracy of the notes detected. If a note is not detected, this will not impact the score (and the note is not highlighted in the scale). If a note is detected that is not in the selected scale, this will reduce the score. The order of notes will also not impact the score - you can play a tune in the relevant key and that will be rated based on note accuracy for notes in the scale.

If some notes are not detected, try and ensure you are getting a good tone at a sufficient volume and you are close enough to the device mic. Detecting all notes also becomes more difficult as the speed of playing increases.

Violin Tuner

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There is an accurate tuner included for tuning the open strings. It is important that the violin is in tune before using the pitch detection feature to avoid the ratings being impacted. The tuner is very simple to use. Play each open string and the tuner highlights the string being played (if it is within expected range for the open string note) and colour codes the string showing whether it is in tune (green), sharp (red) or flat (blue). Where tuning is needed a graphic is displayed to show which peg should be adjusted and in which direction.


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The metronome has an authentic "tock" and is used to pace your scales and help you learn to get them even. Use the device volume control to increase or decrease the volume. Start slow and build up the speed as you improve. If you are preparing for exams, check the exam board sylabus for any advice on metronome settings expected for exam conditions.

OK so what are my options here?

The app is designed to run on an Android phone or tablet device.

There is a small cost for the app but there are no further in-app costs and no adverts

You can get Violin Scales Tutor from the Google Play Store here: Violin Scales Tutor.

Scales are a fundamental component in music, you will find them everywhere. They are the foundations of so many violin playing skills: timing, intonation, key signatures, coordination, bow technique, sight reading, dexterity etc. Master your scales and you will have the foundation for violin greatness! Violin Scales Tutor is here to help you get there. Now, get practicing!